Time – 7:00 p.m.

Online – Zoom (invitation to class will be sent via email to all members)

Presentation by Janet Melrose and Sheryl Normandeau, authors of The Guides for the Prairie Gardener series

How does our changing climate affect the way we garden? What does this mean for the future? In this presentation, Janet and Sheryl will explore several ways to make your garden more weather-resilient, including soil building and protection, water conservation techniques, season extension, appropriate plant selections, and managing environmental concerns such as extreme weather incidents, insects, and pathogens. 

Janet Melrose and Sheryl Normandeau are the authors of The Guides for the Prairie Gardener series, published by TouchWood Books. Janet owns and operates her business Calgary’s Cottage Gardener, and is a garden consultant, horticultural therapist, and speaker. Sheryl has written over twenty books, including the gardening books that she has co-authored with Janet. Her magazine articles have been published worldwide, and she is a content creator and administrator for several gardening sites on social media. 

RHS often needs volunteers to assist with our programs or activities. Would you like to help out at events or on committees? Do you have a great idea for an education session or know someone who would be a presenter? Would you open your garden for the Walk, Talk and Gawk tour? To volunteer To volunteer click here.

Christmas Social December 5, 2024

The Christmas Social is one of the many benefits of membership as each member and guest are welcome at no additional charge. We really enjoyed spending this time with each other, sharing amazing food, getting to know about the GRIN grant recipient and many games and prizes.