Christmas Social

December 7th, 2023, is the RHS Christmas Pot-Luck Social at St. Paul’s Cathedral.   

RHS members Christmas pot luck will be held at St Paul’s Cathedral again this year. We always have a great turn out. It is such fun meeting other members, when we can relax after a busy gardening year and before we start planning and planting for next spring. The RHS supplies the turkey, members are asked to contribute the sides and desserts by pot luck.

The event is for members only, there is no charge, and you are welcome to bring a special guest at no charge. If you don’t already have a membership, check our website for membership information.  New memberships paid now for 2024 will include this event.

You will receive an email with registration details. The board will provide hot turkey, gravy, and potatoes and you are asked to bring sides and desserts. Doors will open at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6 pm.

We hope to see you there!