Growing Roots in the Neighbourhood (GRIN) 2024 Application Form & Guidelines
GRIN GRANT application is closed for 2024. Applications will open again February 2025.
All received applications and project-related information become the property of the Regina Horticultural Society (RHS). Kindly note that previous GRIN funding recipients are not eligible to apply unless it has been at least 5 years and a NEW project.
All 15 questions must be completed before submitting to the RHS. Total point score is 100.
Two ways to apply:
Click here to fill out and submit the application form on-line
Print the form, fill it out and mail to Our Mailing Address:
5847 Kiev Bay
Regina, SK
S4X 4C5
Susanne Arndt – Director Grin Grant , can be reached at
Application deadline: Sunday, April 14, 2024 at Midnight
1. Applicant contact information:
Provide the name of the organization(s) or individual(s) submitting the application, as well as their complete contact information such as telephone and cell numbers, email and mailing address. (1 point)
2. Project leader contact information:
The project leader will be our primary contact for the project; this person could also be the applicant. The project leader will be the person responsible for the development of the project and will also be our primary contact in terms of funding and reporting to the RHS Project Liaison*. If the project leader is different from the applicant, please include this person’s name, telephone phone and cell numbers, email and mailing address. (1 point)
3. Partnerships or collaboration:
The GRIN funding is designed to encourage partnerships and collaboration. Individuals are encouraged to partner with not-for-profit organizations, service co-operatives, for profit businesses and government agencies or departments in Regina.
There are many types of collaborations — in kind, people, financial. Kindly note that government agencies or departments (municipal, provincial or federal) and for-profit businesses are not eligible to apply, but are welcome as partners to the project applicant. Tell us who your partners are, and what type of partnership or collaboration has been established for your project. (3 points)
4. Name of your project:
We hope you get creative here! (2 points)
5. Physical address of project:
Provide a detailed description of where, specifically, in Regina, the project will take place. For example: it could be a series of small gardening plots along the back lanes of a neighbourhood bordered by two streets; it could be on the property of a local association, accessible to its clients; it could be a teaching garden at a daycare or one for newcomers to the city, etc. (1 point)
6. Vision for this project:
What would you like to accomplish with this project? (6 points)
7. Who will be involved in this project:
To help us better understand your vision and your project’s education component, describe to us which group(s) you are inviting to participate from the community. These groups may be the same as the project collaborators above. Will you be including children, teens, seniors, newcomers to Regina, or new gardeners, etc.? How will they be engaged and how will their continued engagement be fostered and promoted? (8 points)
8. Project start and end dates:
The project can start as early as late-April 2024 and must be completed by
November 1, 2024. (1 point)_____________________________________________
9. Project activities and its outcomes:
What do you want to do? Why? How will you evaluate if this project is successful? As a GRIN recipient, you will be expected to maintain regular communications with the RHS Project Liaison* about your project’s activities and outcomes. (20 points)
10. Education:
What kind of gardening knowledge will be shared through this project and how? Provide examples of how the participants will share knowledge about horticultural topics such as water and soil management, composting, non-toxic pest management, planting and harvesting, raised bed gardening, use of tools, plant hardiness and many more as applicable. (10 points)
11. Community benefit:
Explain how your community will benefit from the project’s activities. For example, will community participants gain new or enhanced life skills, or will there be a sense of pride of place, or will this provide access to a source of healthy food? (10 points)
12. Project progress:
Outline plans to monitor the progress of the project. How will you note or record the progress of your project? As an example, will you plan to take photos throughout the project and keep track of what went well and what were some challenges? We expect the GRIN recipient to present the story of the project to the membership at the RHS Christmas Social (typically scheduled in the first week of December), and to provide a report for public posting on our web site. (13 points)
13. Funds from other organizations:
If you obtained funds from other organization(s) for your project, please identify them and list the total amount received in the budget section below. Identify other funds available to your project, including the purpose and the source. The limited GRIN grant funds should not be used for the same purpose as funds obtained from another source (no double funding of same expenses). (3 points)
14. Budget:
Your project’s budget may be more than $1,000, but the GRIN funding will only contribute up to $1,000. What is the estimated cost of your project? _______________________________________________________________
Expense breakdown:
- The GRIN grant funds can only be applied to offset expenses related to establishing and working on a gardening project in a responsible manner.
- Salaries, administrative, overhead and operating costs are not eligible.
- Examples of eligible expenses are the purchase of seeds, manure, lumber, gardening gloves, hoses, etc.
- All GRIN project expense receipts must be submitted to the RHS Project Liaison* no later than September 30, 2024.
Please list and identify your project’s types of expenses, as well as the anticipated costs. Don’t forget to include the amount you are requesting from the GRIN fund as well as the contributions (if any) from other organizations (specify organization). (11 points)
15. Describe how this project will be sustainable:
What plans are in place to keep the project going once it has started? For example, how will a school vegetable garden be maintained during the summer to produce for the fall? How will the project continue to grow community involvement after the GRIN grant funding ends or in the following years? (10 points)
16. Will you participate in the RHS Walk, Talk and Gawk Tour?
The RHS has an annual Walk, Talk and Gawk Tour garden tour (typically scheduled in July). Please indicate if your project can be a garden in this tour. Choose/type YES or NO._________________________________
*Regina Horticultural Society Project Liaison
The Regina Horticultural Society will appoint a Project Liaison from the membership to provide mentorship, support and guidance for your GRIN project. The Project Liaison will keep in regular contact with the project leader regarding expectations, follow-up, reporting, as well as disbursements for the duration of your project.
The RHS will expect any project related publicity to be shared with the Project Liaison. The GRIN recipient will acknowledge the RHS with its logo prominently displayed in any publicity. The project story belongs to you, your participants and your community. We encourage you to take photographs, and/or videos as part of the story that you will provide at the RHS Christmas Social in December and for posting on our web site.
Successful applicant(s) will be contacted by the President of the GRIN liaison, Susanne Arndt by April 19, 2024
I agree to receive the Growing Roots in the Neighbourhood (GRIN) grant from the Regina Horticultural Society and will use the funds to work on the described project to increase awareness about gardening and a safe, sustainable environment within Regina. The project funds will be awarded to the successful applicant(s) at the RHS Education Event at St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral (1859 McIntyre Street) on April 25, 2024.
I also agree to provide a presentation about our project’s story to the RHS membership at the RHS Christmas Social late November or early December.
Applicant Signature: _______________________________________________________
We will accept your printed name or electronic signature in good faith.
Printed name: _______________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________