With a yearly membership fee you will receive the following.
Membership Registration Form Here
Monthly Educational Events: September through June.
- No admission to attend, featuring keynote speakers, covering a variety of horticultural topics.
- Door prizes drawn at each meeting.
- Socializing and refreshments following the presentation.
Annual Spring Fundraising Plant Sale:
- Members contribute hardy and locally grown plants.
Annual Social Events:
- July Walk, Talk & Gawk Garden Tour provides the opportunity for members to visit local society gardens.
- June BBQ.
- December Christmas potluck
- Members have a variety of volunteer opportunities such as assisting at public events, working with a committee, or serving on the Board of Directors.
- Members receive the RHS monthly newsletter as well as Email notifications with up-to-date information as needed.
Membership Director – Katharine Garner
The RHS Membership Year runs from January 1 to December 31.
Membership Fees
Junior – $5.00 available for persons under 16 years of age
Individual – $20.00 available for persons 16-64 years of age
Senior – $15.00 available to persons 65 years of age or older
Family – $30.00 available to a family of two or more members residing at the same address
Fill out the form and submit to request or renew a RHS membership. Complete payment by
- Sending cheque payable to : Regina Horticultural Society and send to: Regina Horticultural Society, 5847 Kiev Bay, Regina SK, S4X 4C5
- Bank transfer to membership@reginahortsociety.ca
A membership card will be sent to your mailing address.