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Our corporate sponsors are businesses with a local presence whose operations are consistent with our mandate of supporting gardening in the Regina area through education and related activities. We welcome sponsors whose products and services reflect our organizational values and the diversity of our gardening community.

Financial support of $75.00 (in cash or in kind) furthers our common goal of growing the gardening community and adopting gardening for life philosophy.

Examples of in kind support are: door prizes for our events, donation of plants for our plant sale or giving an educational presentation. We are open to other ideas sponsors may wish to support the RHS and our mandate.

Benefits of Sponsorship

  • Name and contact information are displayed on our website 
  • Logo is displayed (where provided)
  • Sponsor Spotlight, once per year in our newsletter
  • Name is displayed at our all of our in-person public events
  • Logo and Link to our sponsor’s website is displayed in the footer of RHS website homepage
  • Opportunities to further increase exposure of your brand throughout the year
  • We will send you a jpeg of our logo which you can display identifying your business as a sponsor of RHS.

Send us an intention of support before the end of April, and we will ensure to include your business name in all of our 2024 upcoming educational seminars and special events.

Sponsorship Director – Theresa Savaria email info@reginahortsociety.ca if you would like support RHS.

RHS are very grateful for the support from the following sponsors:

Ken MacDonald Century 21
Amy Heide Green Drop Tree Care https://www.greendrop.com/tree-care/regina
Kevin and Karen Bieber Doorn’s Greenhouse http://doorns.ca
Lucille & Allan Bouvier Plant Ranch https://plantranchregina.ca/
Donna Wilcocks Waxy’s Bobcat https://waxysbobcat.com/
Valerie Daku Windsor Plywood https://www.windsorplywood.com/location/regina/
Sheila Bonneteau Mannequin Gardening Solutions
Phillip and Anton Rispen Sherwood Greenhouse and Garden Centre https://sherwoodgreenhouses.com/
Ariel Cote Garden Girl https://gardengirl.ca/
Spencer and Jan Early Early’s https://www.earlysgarden.com/history/in-the-beginning